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Modeling Social Interactions: New Directions in Affect Control Theory  June 2017

This conference had four major goals: (1) to provide a comprehensive introduction to affect control theory including recent theoretical developments, (2) to hear from established and emerging scholars about their recently completed work and projects in development, (3) to familiarize participants with recent methodological innovations in this tradition and their implications for theory development, and (4) to facilitate ongoing collaborative work and the development of new ideas and partnerships through research incubator sessions. Additional information and resources can be found on the conference website, including program information and links to video and photo archives of the event.



Interacting Across Difference: Building Community Amid Demographic Change  Sept 2017

This conference brought together distinguished scholars from two sociological subfields that seldom exchange ideas – urban and community studies and social psychology – to present and discuss their research related to interaction across racial and ethnic difference. The central goal of the conference was to move beyond mere explanations for inequality, and instead use our knowledge of interaction processes to craft social interventions and policies to build community and reduce inequality in diverse neighborhoods.
Additional information and resources can be found on our conference website, including program information and links to a photo archive of the event.



Conferences Organized

Selected Conference Presentations

Social Transgressions, the Self, and Depression. 2022. Paper presented at the 117th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; Los Angeles, CA.


Status as Deference: Deference Scores and Occupational Prestige as Two Different Ways to Understand Status Rankings, Occupational Classes, and Emotional Outcomes. 2021. Paper presented at Russell Sage Foundation conference; online.


Blocked Goals and Cracked Mirrors: Strain, Inauthenticity, and Violence. 2021. Paper presented at the 116th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; online.


“Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups.” 2020. Invited presentation at the Trans-Atlantic Platform’s Round 4 Digging into Data Challenge Conference. National Science Foundation; Alexandria, VA.

“Strategic Design for Individual, Social, and Community Impact.” 2019. Invited presentation at Beyond Content: Restructuring Core Courses for Inclusion, organized by the Center for Engaged Pedagogy at Barnard College; New York, NY.

“Major Reactions to Minor Events: A Bayesian Approach to Identity Disruption.” 2018. Paper presented at the 113th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; Philadelphia, PA.

“Neil MacKinnon’s Legacy.” 2018. Invited presentation at the Chair's Hour of the Section on the Sociology of Emotions; 113th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; Philadelphia, PA.

“Theoretical and Empirical Modeling of Identity and Sentiments in Collaborative Groups.” 2018. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology; Toronto, Canada.

“Identity Meanings and Unequal Interaction.” 2017. Paper presented at Interacting Across Difference: Building Community Amid Demographic Change; Hanover, NH.

“Theorizing Social Order from Belief Heterogeneity, Uncertainty, and Change.” 2016. Invited presentation at the Chair’s Hour of the Section on the Sociology of Culture; 110th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; Seattle, WA.

“Affective Dynamics on Campus: Behavior, Emotion, and Event Likelihood.” 2016. Paper presented at International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology; Vienna, Austria.

“Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory.” 2015. Paper presented at International Society for Research on Emotion; Geneva, Switzerland.

“Consensus in Affective Meanings: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.” 2014. Invited presentation at the Chair's Hour of the Section on
the Sociology of Emotions; 108th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; San Francisco, CA.

“Dissecting the Sociality of Emotion: A Multi-Level Approach.” 2013. Invited presentation at the Chair's Hour of the Section on the Sociology of Emotions, 107th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association; New York, NY.

“Affect Under the Influence: Social Influence and the Transformation of Identity Sentiment in Task Groups.” 2012. Paper presented at
the 24th annual meeting of Group Processes; Denver, CO.

“Mapping the Ecology of Culture: Social Position and Connectedness as Predictors of Systematic Variation in Affective Meaning.”
2011. Paper presented at International Society for Research on Emotion; Kyoto, Japan.

Conference Presentations
Conferences Organized

Recent Press

Elli Goudzwaard. January 5, 2022. "Courses to Integrate Human-Centered Design." Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning.


William Platt. August 23, 2021. "Faculty Awards Recognize Teaching and Scholarship." Dartmouth News.


Hannah Silverstein. March 26, 2020. "'Open for Business': Making the Switch to Remote Learning." Dartmouth News.


Bonni Stachowiak. October 3, 2019. "Episode 277: Intentional Tech with Derek Bruff." Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast.


Eastern Region Campus Compact. December 17, 2018. "Announcing the 2019-2020 ESI Participants." Campus Compact.


Derek Bruff. November 5, 2018. "Episode 47: Kimberly Rogers." Leading Lines Podcast, Vanderbilt University.

Liz WillenJuly 17, 2018. "Alone in the Ivy League." The Hechinger Report, U.S. News & World Report

Nikhita HingoraniFebruary 28, 2018. "Best of Both Worlds: Social Spaces at Dartmouth." The Dartmouth.

Alex FredmanJanuary 17, 2018. "Courses Partner with Local Organizations." The Dartmouth.

William PlattSeptember 15, 2017. "Dartmouth Conference Explores ‘Interacting Across Difference’." Dartmouth News.

Elli Goudzwaard. May 25, 2017. "'Doing' Sociology." Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning.

Alex Fredman. January 27, 2017. "New York Times Reports on Inequality at College." The Dartmouth.

Melanie Kos. October 6, 2016. "Sociology Prof Kimberly Rogers Talks Her Research and Teaching." The Dartmouth.

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